Hardcover Book

Creative Theology was written to explore life, faith, and creativity. It's a hardcover, full-color guide for the pursuit of God as Creator and an understanding of what that means for us, right now.

Today is your day to take the first step to living a fuller, more purposeful life!

Note: The book only ships in the United States. For international friends, please purchase the eBook/PDF version.


You can purchase the book as a PDF for $10.

Book type


The purpose of the workshop is to take a group through the book's content and discuss practical application. From artist groups to ministry teams to creative gatherings, Sam will walk you through the key messages of the book and how the themes play out in our lives and work. 

Groups can go through all topics found in the book, experience a deep dive on one topic, or create a customized experience combining any of the topics listed below. 


1.1 The creation poem in Genesis sets the stage, and reveals some important truths about the Creator

1.2  Parades for Beauty talks about the creative expression and how the church must embrace art and the artist, reclaiming her voice as a creative leader

1.3 Ekphrasis walks through the process of creating art as a response and how the world needs your response

1.4 Serve the Garden discussed our interaction with creation and creativity around us, and how that reaction sets the tone for how we live our lives 


2.1 Disconnect discusses how we feel that something has gone wrong, things aren't as they should, and that there's been a disconnect - disconnect by choice

2.2 Individual Creativity dives into the myth that we, the creation of The Creator, aren't creative, and why that happens 

2.3 Response to Creation is about the longing we feel deep in our bones for a glimpse of what could be, what should be 


3.1 Grasping for the Garden unpacks why people go to such extreme measures to experience encounters with unadulterated nature, and what that reveals about our relationship with God

3.2 Try reveals the approach to joining in the restoration at work around us and the joy found in that effort 

3.3 Ushers of the New Creation takes us a step further, and serves as an invitation to take our place in ushering in this new reality unfolding in our midst, balancing the dynamic of now and not yet